How Parents Can Help Their Children Transition Back to In-person Learning

Before the covid-19 pandemic, each fall, parents would shop for their kids’ clothes and school supplies, register them for activities and try to manage their kids’ stress and worry in preparation for going back to school. However, this situation has now totally changed amid the covid-19 pandemic. Indeed, nowadays both parents and kids are experiencing high level of anxiety and stress, especially with the constant shifting information and the vague plans for going back to in-person learning modules. That being said, parents can play a very crucial role in helping their kids deal with this new situation and motivating a positive transition from distance learning module to learning in-person.
On that premise, here are ways and strategies for parents to help their children transition back to in-person learning.
Having honest and open discussions
First and foremost, parents should have open and honest discussions with their children with respect to going back to school during the pandemic. The conversations should certainly be tailored based on the age and the maturity level of the child. Parents should also teach their kids the safety guidelines, such constantly washing their hands, not touching their faces and using hand sanitizer, just to mention a few.
Knowing the children’s fear
It is also important that parents ask their kids about their thoughts and what worries them the most with this transition. Pointing out what is making the children afraid will undoubtedly help the parents tame the fear as well as aid their kids in understanding their feelings to eventually feel less worried. In addition to that, parents should also make their children feel that they are understood and try to come up together with a proper solutions to their children’s problems.
Focusing on the positives
In addition to the above, parents should also focus on the positive things. For instance, parents can focus on the excitement or reuniting in-person with friends, colleagues and teachers as well as going back to a daily routine.
Building a routine
Parents should also set a predictable routine for their kids. By doing so, both parents and kids will feel safe and that things are under control. Whether it is a consistent bedtime or meal time, having a set routine will make the children fell safe and secure and will eliminate feeling of anxiety and worry.