Spending Quality Time With Your Family This Winter

Few can blame the person who wants to spend most of the winter indoors, shut away from the world. However, doing so can create some serious cabin fever. A better plan is to plan some activities that the whole family will love. These activities allow parents and kids to build bonds with one another and help to make winter break more enjoyable, too.

Bake Cookies for a Cookie Exchange

Organizing a holiday cookie exchange can be just the thing housebound families need to get social energy flowing. A cookie exchange is where a group of friends bake a bunch of cookies and then get together at one home to share the cookies. The idea is that if enough people are invited, then everyone who attends will get an assortment of cookies.

It isn’t necessary to invite too many people to make this sort of event a success. Real Simple suggests just 10 or so, but you could get away with just a few families. Party organizers may want to modify this a bit to include an invitation to just two or three families who have kids. This gives each family a variety of cookies without making the event crowded.

Build a Blanket Fort

Fort building is a rite of passage for most kids who think nothing of stealing some cushions from the couch and blankets from their beds to make this adventure happen. It’s also a must-do activity recommended by City Moms Blog. The cool thing about this activity is that it’s easy to do and easy to adapt to other activities. For example, just think how fun it would be to watch movies or read a story by flashlight in a blanket fort. These are especially fun for younger children, but it could be fun to challenge older children or even teenagers to build the best fort.

Go Bowling

Bowling is an inexpensive past time that most people love to do. Even more fortunate is the fact that most towns have a bowling alley, making this a viable winter outing. To make a whole evening out of it, families who go bowling together can plan on bowling a couple of games and then getting some snacks for dinner in the bowling alley cafe.

During the winter school break, many families look for fun activities that they can do together to stave off boredom and the onset of cabin fever. The activities in this list count as just a few of the fun options that families have available to them. Other cool ideas include a trip to a night event at the local zoo, a family craft night, or a trip to the library for story time.