How to Get Your Charity Through Uncertain Times

Today, we’ll be going through some tips to help nonprofits through uncertain times.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help

Something that is an immense help is a trained communications team. Something that a corporate partner could do is lend their public relations team to the nonprofit so that together they can create an emergency strategy for donor management and fundraising events. A nonprofit’s best weapon in the battle against uncertain times is their regular corporate donors. They’re capable of doing so much more than just donating funds. They have expertise in places where you as a group may be lacking. Remember, you’re essentially a business, too. Any help is good help.

Shifting to Virtual Program Delivery

COVID-19 came as a shock to everyone, and in turn, has derailed many in-person events. Something you can do to combat this is to convert in-person events to virtual formats. Things can still be fun while keeping the safety of your donors in mind! Again, don’t be afraid to ask your corporate donors for help setting up as well! Their IT crew is definitely something to make use of, seeing as they can help you develop your online content and help with technical problems for events!

Creative fundraising campaigns

Creative social media campaigns are one of the best ways to help raise awareness of your charity, and gain new donors as well! Nonprofit organizations can utilize social media to help keep their donors actively engaged, leading them to more funds and resources. Let your imagination run wild! Don’t be afraid to take part in social media trends, and let yourself have fun. Social media is supposed to be a fun and engaging way to interact with people. Make use of it!

Making use of these tips are incredibly vital when it comes to difficult times as a nonprofit. These times are challenging, but meant to be seen through. Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you need it, as the people around you are more than likely knowledgeable in things that you may be lacking, or they may have the ability to help you.