Qualities of a Great Coach

It can be difficult to quantify what makes a good coach. Individuals who are considered great often possess their own style and certain specific attributes. That said, many successful coaches do share common traits. The following brief blog examines some of the attributes good coaches have.


Successful coaches display significant commitment. Said attribute does not merely apply to the game or subject being taught but the method in which said activity is instructed and the principles employed to convey skills and messages.

Extensive Knowledge

Granted, expert knowledge of the subject or sport said individual is coaching is deemed a prerequisite for a good coach. However, success in the position is often predicated on the ability to share this knowledge in a way that enables those under their tutelage to gain an understanding of their goals and principles.

Open To Discussion

While coaching is about providing instruction, good instructors also promote discussion with their individual subjects. Coaches should not be unwilling to hear their students voice their opinions or questions.

Clarifies Expectations

Successful leaders clarify their expectations from the beginning. These individuals should disclose to all new players and reiterate to current team members what roles and responsibilities they are expected to execute at all times.

Fosters A Positive Environment.

Displaying positivity is easy during good times. That said, effective coaches also display such qualities during challenging occasions. No successful leader will ever permit negativity to permeate throughout their organization.

Effective Communication

Solid instructors are effective communicators. The language these individuals use is clear, concise, and direct. Communicating effectively and efficiently is a sure sign of a good coach as it shows that the coach is willing to be a team player.


While success is the goal of every coach, the most successful members of this profession understand the importance of patience. Oftentimes, attaining specific aims requires time and persistence. Effective coaches understand that learning and making mistakes is part of the improvement process and do not become overly frustrated when those under their tutelage initially struggle.

The Ability To Motivate

Effective leaders know how to get everything they can out of their team. Doing so often requires the knowledge and ability to motivate their subjects when the need arises.

The Ability To Understand Specific Personalities

The best coaches understand the importance of learning the individual personalities of their players or employees. Motivation techniques that work on one team member might not be effective with another. Good coaches typically know the right buttons to push with each special personality.