How to Help Your Kids As School Resumes

In many parts of the United States, classes have resumed for kids. It looks very different depending on where children live. Some are doing virtual school/distance learning, while others are doing a hybrid of in-person and online classes. Still others are being homeschooled for the first time ever because parents are concerned about the virus and its spread among children.

Whatever this school year looks like for your children, you want them to feel confident about school starting again. You want them to know that adults are looking out for them, but that an education cannot be put on hold because of a virus. If your kids seem a little out of sorts emotionally about school starting again, have a conversation with them. It should go something like this.

Classes Are Different, but So Are You

Classes, whether in person or online, are different. There is always some trepidation as to how a new school year will be, and that is no less true now. Just remind your children that even though classes and school will look a little different this year, they too are different. They are not the same kids as they were last year, nor are the subjects they are studying. It’s just the method of delivery that seems different, and even that will seem normal after a month or two.

Support Your Children’s Psychological and Emotional Well-Being

Some kids are fearless and don’t care that there is a virus. Others are terrified about getting sick. If your child is the latter, just remind him/her that good hygiene, hand-washing, and wearing a mask will keep him/her safe. Anxiety may also be a problem. If it is, discuss with your child the possibility of talking about his/her emotions with a trained professional, a therapist who can help alleviate concerns, fears, and anxiety and focus on the positives.

Many Old Concerns Are the Same

It doesn’t matter how school resumes. There may still be bullies, uniforms, clothing requirements, homework, deadlines, extra-curriculars, etc.. All these old concerns are hardly different than before. If you are addressing them to help your child as you were pre-pandemic, continue to do so now.